Train With Confidence
Within the sport of running, muscle fatigue and soreness can last days or even weeks if you’re not recovering properly. The importance of rest days, recovery, and taking care of your body is immensely important for improvement and growth as a runner.
Many runners may think the only way to help your body is pre-workout, post-workout stretching, or taking a rest day. There are additional ways to support muscles without having to eliminate a workout, such as wearing a sock that provides muscle recovery and support!
Functional and Versatile
Hocsocx are designed to allow runners to feel fresh and energized amidst their training. They are lightweight but durable and provide a comfortable feel to aid in muscle recovery and decrease muscle fatigue. Hocsocx allows runners to focus on training, with no worry about swelling in their feet, ankles, or calves. There is no better feeling knowing your legs are getting the support they need at all times!
Full Hocsocx or Sleeve?
When wearing Hocsocx for running, the most preferred way of using them is to wear the full footed socks before or after exercise, and the Leg Sleeves for during exercise. This allows you to not only differentiate between what socks are used during sweatier times, but by wearing leg sleeves during a run, it allows you to still use your favorite running socks in your sneakers.